How Does Using Microsoft Digital Ink Improve Workplace Collaboration?
Digital Ink

September 22, 2018

How Does Using Microsoft Digital Ink Improve Workplace Collaboration?

The integration of the Microsoft (MS) digital ink function and digital pen provides companies with a way to improve collaboration, increase out-the-box creativity, and drive innovation. Have you given thought on how your organization can create better cooperation among your different work teams essential for driving new product development, opening up new markets, or managing workflow? If you have, you need to invest some time and effort learning how digital ink can be of assistance to your company.

About Microsoft Digital Ink

Microsoft digital ink allows a digital pen accessory to write on the surface of a pen-enabled device. These include laptops, notepads, notebooks, and Windows-based handheld devices. This capability allows the creator to share notes, capture your thoughts, and your ideas in real-time. This benefit is of great importance when your team members find themselves limited by space or the ability to use a fully attached keyboard.

You have the need to put together elaborate sales presentations in MS-PowerPoint or jot down quickly a sales quote for a potential customer in MS-Excel. The use of digital ink allows your workers to do this in less time then it takes to format a slide or complete a spreadsheet. It takes their handwritten notes and scribbles and converts them into a presentation that gets attention.

How Digital Ink Creates Collaboration

Imagine a massive project of yours that requires the input of stakeholders from different teams within your company. Accounting for financial projections, engineering for logistical support, and business planning for managing the project’s timetable, all of these disciplines need the ability to communicate with each other to keep the project on time and within budget.

You can take the traditional route of calling time-consuming meetings that require members of the project team to sit in the same room, away from their other duties and responsibilities. Or you can install Microsoft digital pen and allow input and updates come into the project from all over without the need for lengthy meetings or huddles that take time and people resources away from their jobs, reducing their productivity and increasing your costs.

Is Microsoft Digital Ink Easy to Use?

The digital ink application is both intuitive and easy to use. It is a simple plug-and-play application that requires nothing more than the digital pen itself as the peripheral device and a machine that is digital pen enabled. Your end-users will remark at how easy it is to simply draw, doodle, write, and express their ideas in any application using digital ink, and share that information between their colleagues.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line for you and your business is this: your competitors, especially younger entrepreneurs and competitors, are already employing next-generation technology. They are doing so as a way to gain market share and increase their competitive advantage.

You need to up your technology game to hold on to your customers, maintain relevancy, and attract the type of workforce that will grow your business. With so much riding on you and the decisions you make, Microsoft digital pen is a straightforward solution for you to consider and implement company-wide.

You can not afford to stay stuck in old practices in favor of new tools that make life easier for your teams. The investment you make in digital ink will pay huge dividends in the future, regarding better deployment of your people resources and greater freedom to innovate.