Business Continuity Planning

Keeping your business running efficiently and effectively is the cornerstone of success in today’s always-on business environment.

Customers have very little time in their busy days, so their expectation is that you’re available when they need you–and they don’t have a lot of patience for websites that are down or sales reps that are unable to find customer records when they call.

Business continuity planning can help assure that you’re able to maintain minimum functions even in the event of a catastrophe by defining which portions of your business need to come online quickly and which can be scaled up within a short period of time. At Cross Link Consulting, we recommend a three-tiered backup strategy: onsite backup, off-site backup and disaster recovery.

Onsite Backup

When you need quick access to a file or folder, you don’t want to be searching remote servers and then spending hours downloading large files. Instead, you want to be able to quickly and easily access the information that you need to keep your business running. Time searching equals downtime both for you and your staff members–so minimize that interruption in your day with solid onsite backup procedures.

For more significant issues, we offer our vCIO service, which gives you access to a virtual Chief Information Officer from Cross Link Consulting to get the answers you need and to provide you with both short term and long term initiatives to keep your technology up-to-date.

Off-Site Backup

  • When you experience a significant event–fire, flood or even cybercrime–you need to know that there is a full and validated backup of your critical systems and data.
  • Cross Link Consulting comprehensively protects your data with hourly incremental backups that provide the cornerstone for your disaster recovery needs.

Disaster Recovery

  • While you always hope that you won’t need it, having a disaster recovery plan in place is a crucial part of running a business today.
  • In the event of a catastrophe, we can help perform a bare-metal restore from offsite backups or create a virtual server instance–depending on your specific needs.

Trusted Partners

  • For years, StorageCraft’s ShadowProtect has been a trusted name in data recovery, and we’ve stacked our own validation and reporting software to proactively review data validity and integrity.
  • Our daily process programmatically reviews the backup by extracting both recent and stale files for validation against live data before each backup process is considered complete.


When you need the peace of mind and assurance that your business data and infrastructure is safe, trust Cross Link Consulting with all of your backup and disaster recovery needs. Contact us or (803) 279-1100 to learn more with a free initial consultation with our friendly and knowledgeable team.